Left to right: Michael Corcoran, Robert Shelton, Matthew Gardener, Rachel Church, Wayne Newman, David Hinchliffe, Gavin Rawson, Mick Harris
Many thanks to David Hinchliffe for providing this photograph.
A photographic history of Newbold Verdon Primary School. Thanks to the former teachers and pupils for all the photographs within this blog they have kindly shared.
Left to right: Michael Corcoran, Robert Shelton, Matthew Gardener, Rachel Church, Wayne Newman, David Hinchliffe, Gavin Rawson, Mick Harris
Many thanks to David Hinchliffe for providing this photograph.
Third Row: Adam Bonner, Anthony Corrall, Debbie Dimmer, Cory Hinds, David Wileman, Carrie Leatham
Second Row: Carly Perkins, Tom Measom, Luke Gittings, Hannah Westaby, James Butterfield, Stephen Page, Rachel Worth
Front Row: Charlotte Richards, Kiri Sanderson, ?, Becky Bennett, Connor Penman, Kirsty Richards, Chloe Cheese
Many thanks to Steve Worth and Rachel Worth for this photograph and for naming everyoneBack Row: Becky Bennett, ?, Jess Goulds, Bronya Rollason, Greg Mills, ?, Lawrence Halford
Third Row: Charlotte Richards, Rachel Worth, Matt Farmer, Will Rogers, Matt Lovett, Sonya Kay Welsh, ?, Oleta Williams-Harris
Second Row: Alice McReynolds, Megan Wykes, Jake Wibberley, Danielle Bennett, Kirsty Richards, Emily Naylor, ?
Front Row: ?, Lucy Poole, Adam Randle, Courtney Ward, Vikki Johnson, Becky Turner, Luke Gell, David Cook
Many thanks to Steve Worth and Rachel Worth for this photograph and for naming everyone.
Back Row: Becky Bennett, Ben Blackery, Will Rogers, ?, Lawrence Halford, Liam Barker, Ed Bailey?, Rachel Worth, Mrs. Haig
Middle Row: Ben Abadie, Kiri Sanderson, Charlotte Richards, Rory Calison, Sophie Cartwright, Adam Randle, Kirsty Richards
Front Row: ?, ?, ?, ?, Stacey Vickers, ?, Alice Goodman, Alice McReynolds, Sadie Crofts
Many thanks to Steve Worth
and Rachel Worth for this photograph and for naming everyone.
Newbold Verdon Primary School
Mrs. Austin’s Class 1996
Back Row: Megan Wykes, Ben Blackery, Jess Gould, Ben Jarvis, Lawrence Malford, Oleta Williams-Harris, Mrs. Austin
Front Row: Charlotte Richards, Kiri Sanderson, Kirsty Richards, Rachel Worth, Scott Angel, Becky Bennett
Many thanks to Steve Worth
and Rachel Worth for this photograph and for naming everyone.
Mrs. Twycross's Class 1961
Many thanks to Martin Henson for providing this photograph.